Friday, 2 September 2011

In The Beginning

So whats this about? I hear you say dear reader.  Well you might be right in saying such a thing, what is it about indeed?

It's about, I suppose, our adventures in a caravan, which is very new and very shiny.  It started out from a conversation with a friend of mine, and a need to find somewhere to record for posterity or for general review information about the various caravan/campsites that we go to.  Where we can write a review, leave some pictures, whinge about yappy dogs, yappy kids, and windbreaks in true caravan style.

Now I appreciate that 99% of the population of the UK are in the Jeremy Clarkson school of thought and that all caravans should be removed from the road and used as target practice.  But i fall into the 1% that think otherwise and actually enjoy our time away in said caravan.

Now, dear reader, I do have a habit of referring to said caravan and probably to others as well, as a shed.  Yes, shed.  The reasons for this are lost in the murky backwash of time and if I can dig far enough into my memory I'll tell you one day.  So, dont be confused if I intermingle the words caravan and shed, I mean the same thing, unless I tell you otherwise, and then they will mean whatever it is I just said..

So enough preamble, lets dive straight in to caravan's err shed's.. you get the idea.

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